Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Backin it up

I had the most fabulous time with Christian over the Mother's day weekend so I wanted to share.

Friday we headed out to the parentals for VOW (VanDaley, O'Banon, Wilson/Williams) game night. For those of you who don't know who the O'Banons are, they are my adopted in-laws. Really they are Shelby's in-laws, but since I am short a pair they took me under their wing. Anyway, our familes have become really close and my Mother decided we needed a once a month family game night. I don't know who came up with the name, prolly Mom, but there ya have it. We were forced to wear crazy hats, the winner being Papa Bear Wilson.

Saturday mom, Christian and I drove to the excting town of Waco, TX which doesn't have much going for it other than Baylor University and the Cameron Zoo. I will admit the zoo was much better than I thought and Christian had a great time. We had the most horrible stressful dinner on our way back at this restaurant over looking a river in Waco. The service was bad, but great company! Some how Christian always makes unfortunate situations fun.

Sunday! Christian and I woke up extra early and walked to a little donut shop to kick off our day with a nutritionally balanced breakfast of chocolate milk and donut holes. Hey, at least we walked. After church Shelby and Kiki (or uncle Kasey to everyone but Christian) hosted an amazing garden themed brunch at their apartment. They worked so hard on transforming their patio in to a little garden. Great party, great food and Shelby even topped it off with some FANTASTIC garden party hats she custom made. That evening C, Kiki, Shelbs and me headed in to Round Rock to see a free concert (a very cool band called Alpha Rev). I couldn't have asked for a better time with my family and my perfect little C.P.!!!!!!!!

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